If the
Registration Form is not sent before the established deadline through the webpage, this application will be rejected.
Companies are responsible for checking that their registration and DVD are completely received in the Fair’s Office in the established period through phone or e-mail contact
(923 48 22 22, e-mail: civitas@feriadeteatro.com)
Data sent by the company will be used, in the case it is selected, for advertising and contract purposes.
If the company modifies these data, this fact must be communicated to the Fair during the 15 days following its selection. If this is not done, Fair’s Organization will not responsible for the use of the wrong data in advertising.
The DVD received by the Fair will become a part of the audiovisual collection of the “Biblioteca Luso- Española de Teatro”(Spanish-Portuguese Theatre Library), which belongs to the “Centro de Patrimonio-Fundación Duques de Soria”, located in the Águila Palace in Ciudad Rodrigo.
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